Dungeons, Demons & Dragons

If you want to find some of the world’s oldest castles, then England, steeped in historical heritage, is a fascinating place to explore. But if you want to blow the cobwebs out of your life and mind, as you descend into dungeons and ascend fortress steps, then the lochs (in the picture Loch Ness) and waterfalls of Scotland, are without question, stunning.

As always, for this intrepid explorer, not only of the physical but also the metaphysical world, we cannot skim over the magical intrigue of the symbolism residing in such escapades, and what it means to us. Waterfalls, for example, represent letting go, and I must say, wobbling high up on a suspension bridge (which you can view on Social Media) – and in my interpretation, the bridge or corpus callosum in the brain between our prefrontal conscious logic and unconscious primary brainstem, the enormity of millions of gallons of continually rushing water crashing beneath my feet, really did flush through my energy system in a breathtaking adventure. Together with the fresh forest air, then tracing of spiritual footsteps to the mystical mansion where certainly my initiation began, the feeling, in truth, the whole experience, was nothing short of absolutely awesome.

In deeper, and brief, psychological analysis, dungeons are where we unconsciously keep the prisoners in our own mind (read my book on DeCluttering the Mind for more details). The dragons are the obstacles and oppositions we must face and overcome during our journey through our lifetime. And the much-misunderstood demon, with its genesis found in the subconscious of our own mind, transpires to be a negative thought form, projected out and made manifest in our collective reality.

Castles have long held the fascination of many of us. Intuitively, perhaps, as they symbolise the castle of the mind. The Soul. That citadel of consciousness that can only be properly protected by a healthy ego monitoring the boundary walls in the physical world, and a much higher wisdom guiding the spirit in the ethereal one.

For anyone fighting and maybe temporarily losing the battle, I would say two things; “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God” [Matthew 6:33], which means, go to your higher consciousness first. Then, ‘seek ye next the College of the Mind’, where you will now find specialised Classes, Courses, Free Resources and Coaching opportunities, all designed to facilitate your personal, professional, and collective journey to a knowledgeable peaceful mind. And the priceless liberation of your Soul.

All Magical things ✨
Carole Sawo