This year is going to be a good year. That’s not just my intuition speaking. This is the year of the courageous and faithful Dog and that number eight on the end symbolises completeness and prosperity – on its side, it is the sign of infinity.
Having worked exceptionally hard behind the scenes last year, to upgrade the website and prepare technologically, over the New Year I wrote my New Year’s plan … and I’m excited. With my favourite Pointer Sisters’ track playing over in my head, I’m genuinely pleased to let you know that this year will see the beginning of my video tutorials being launched free on Youtube, along with other loads of exciting online courses being designed for you. I have also scheduled some really fascinating in-class seminars, starting on 8th February with Create The Life You Want, followed by Self Esteem, Emotional Intelligence, Animal Whispering, Spirituality for Beginners and Criminal Profiling.
Having thoroughly enjoyed my yearly clearing out and burning all the old paperwork from last year, the decks are well and truly swept and polished and I’m ready to go. With an eye always on the outside world mirroring the inside world, being clutter-free and able to breathe is a great feeling … which leads me to this question for you. What do you need to eliminate this year?
A happy life is not a life rammed with appointments, obligations, and energy draining people who give nothing back in return. It’s a life of all round fulfillment in which the message is not to do more, but to do less. It’s a year not to gather more, but to filter out, wean it off and let it fade. Now is the time to close major chapters and release. This is the year to simplify your life.
All good things,
Carole Sawo